As we begin the 2021-2022 school year, the District’s COVID-related for Friday, August 13, 2021, included eight students reporting positive COVID results with thirty-six under quarantine. The District also had one staff member reporting positive results with three under quarantine.

The monthly Regular Meeting of the Frankfort CUSD #168 Board of Education will be held on Monday, August 16, 2021, at 6 p.m. in the Library at Central Junior High School, located at 1600 East Ninth Street.
The agenda can be found at the district’s website at www.wfschools.org.

You will find in the News section an announcement about a Public Hearing to receive public comments and questions regarding the District’s application and plan for a Waiver of the Illinois School Code regarding administrative costs. It will be held 5:50 p.m. on Monday, August 9, 2021, in the Library at Frankfort Intermediate School, located at 800 North Cherry Street in West Frankfort.
A Special Meeting of the Board of Education will follow no earlier than 6 p.m. to consider the waiver application, personnel, construction change orders, student handbook approval, and the back to school plan.
A link to the agenda for this meeting can be found at the district’s website at www.wfschools.org, under the “Menu” tab.

FOR FACULTY Members : There is an open bid for the position of Physical Education Teacher at FCHS. Details are in your emails.

A Special Meeting of the Frankfort Community Unit School District #168 Board of Education will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 22, 2021. Due to renovation work at Central Junior High School, the meeting will be held in the Library at Frankfort Intermediate School, located at 800 North Cherry Street in West Frankfort.
The purpose of the Special Meeting is to consider personnel issues.
The agenda can be found at the district’s website at www.wfschools.org.

The monthly Regular Meeting of the Frankfort CUSD #168 Board of Education will be held on Monday, July 19, 2021, at 6 p.m. Due to renovation work in the regular Library location at Central Junior High School, the meeting will be held in the Library at Frankfort Intermediate School, located at 800 North Cherry Street in West Frankfort.
The agenda can be found at the district’s website at www.wfschools.org.

See the update regarding the July 9 announcement from the CDC / ISBE / IDPH on back-to-school guidance in our website's news section.

The Frankfort CUSD #168 Administrative Service Center Office will be CLOSED on Friday, July 2, 2021, and will be CLOSED on Monday, July 5, 2021, for the Independence Day Holiday.
The ASC will resume normal summer hours from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, .and keep those hours Monday through Friday until Tuesday, July 27.

Welcome to Frankfort CUSD 168's new website!

Have a great summer!